Social Commerce

A subset of electronic commerce, social commerce involves the use of social media to support social interactions and user contributions which help in buying and selling of products and services online. Social commerce, as a term, was introduced by Yahoo! in the year 2005. This was introduced to describe a set of collaborative shopping tools available online.
The concept was developed by David Beisel as a means to denote user-generated advertorial content on e-commerce websites. Steve Rubel developed it to enable shoppers to get find good and services, get advices from trusted individuals and then purchase the same.
It aims in assisting companies achieve the following:
a. Engage customers with the brand according to the social behaviour of the customers.
b. Provide incentives for the customers to return to the brand's website.
c. Provide a platform for the customers to talk about the brand on its website.
d. Provide information to the customers in order to research and compare, with an objective that they should finally choose them over their competitors.

Examples of social commerce are user recommendations and referrals, customer ratings and reviews, social media optimisation, social advertising and social application. Augmented Reality is integrated in social commerce to allow shoppers visualise products on themselves and get feedbacks through their social media tools.

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