Understanding Trademark
We all have come across this specific term called Trademark. We will now see what does it stand for? A kind of symbol or a phrase which is recognizable in pattern which is imprinted on products or credited to them in order to differentiate them from other products. It will enable us to identify a certain company and also it’s denotes its ownership. One can associate trademarks to form a property. The main reason why a trademark is used is so that another company cannot use it without permission. A trade mark comes as a result of the patents law which came as a part of the Copyright infringement. There are various agencies which are given the duty of doing the trademark. This how many major companies get their trademarks. These can be in the form of logos, phrases etc.
To get a trademark, a company must submit a patent application in the patent office. This will get reviews by the attorney to see if the company’s registrations have been done in the right way and do not violate the Infringement of the trademark rights. Then, after the review, 30 days opposition form is published, when companies can oppose the new patent’s registration. After this time, they are awarded with patents right and hence they can use their own trademarks. Having a trademark is a way to make money as well. Companies can sell their trademarks to get money.
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