3 Sales Techniques for Introverts

Salespeople are usually said to be extroverts who have a knack in convincing people about the objectives of the business. If talking and bringing in customers isn’t your favorite cup of tea, there are various other ways too. Mastering a few sales techniques will help achieve your targets, even for introverts. Here are some tips that will help salespeople who happen to be introverts:
  1. The salesperson and the customer are aware of their objectives – to sell and to buy the product. Don’t jump in and offer a deal before the customer specifically asks about the thing they are looking for. Either wait until they approach you or else give them enough hints that you could direct them to where they are headed.

  1. Compliment your customer as it has an interesting and predictable psychological effect on them. Strike a conversation there and get them to agree with your assessment of certain character that you are describing to them.

  1. Though salespeople are meant to be graceful and spontaneous in communication, at times it is best to stay in silence and listen to what the customer has got to say. Keep your answer short and specific and wait for an acknowledgement from the customer.
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