3 ways start-ups can compete with established brands

Start-ups have been popping up in our country every now and then with unique concepts and offerings. They face tough competition at some point in their journey, especially from their significant players in the industry. It is wise to learn from your competitors and their mistakes but one cannot always focus on their advantages and the start-up’s limitations. You should know your biggest advantage and not let the major players control the industry. And how can that be achieved? Take a look:
  1. Change the marketing game and select one that is different from your competitors’. They would have ad budgets that are huge and competing against the same would only increase your marketing costs. 

  1. While hiring, you may not be able to choose the great minds as they might not fit in your budget. Instead hire like-minded people who would prefer working for a start-up over an established company. Choose those people who will believe in your vision and bring them onboard.

  1. Don’t expect to use the same technology used by the large players. Budgets, timelines and a lack of innovation could be limitations but understanding those weaknesses and moving forward should be in your plan of action. If you can’t innovate then you are moving backwards from the crowd.


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