Quid Pro Quo

Something for something or a favour for a favour is what this Latin term Quid pro quo means. It describes a situation when two parties engage in a mutual agreement to exchange goods and services where one transfer is contingent upon a reciprocal transfer. It is used in business and legal contexts to mean that a good or service has been exchanged to another party for something having equal value.
The key to a quid pro quo business agreement is consideration in the form of a good, service, financial instrument or money. A bartering arrangement between two parties is a good example of
Quid pro quo, in the political world, sometimes refers to giving financial support or otherwise to a political candidate in exchange for the expectation of direct support for an activity that is of the political benefactor. It may appear as bribery in these cases and such support must always be tested prior itself for conflicts of interest.
Quid pro quo is considered to be of great value in all transactions, be it political, legal or otherwise, as it is helps in knowing the balance of the value of the good or service and also, its financial compensation being offered.

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